Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm looking at the Count Up Clock...

on the corner of my blog, and today it says 155. Hubster has been boots on the ground for 155 days. That doesn't even count the 3 months that Hubster was away from home to begin the training to even get to the boots on the ground stage. Over all he has been gone nearly 250 days. That is 250 days away from home. We have been talking about what we are going to do this summer. Last summer it was spent with preparing for Hubster to deploy. This summer I don't know what I will do with myself. The kids and I were gone last summer more than we were home. We tried to squeeze every little bit of family time in that we could before boots really did hit the ground. This summer is going to feel different. Who knows what it is going to bring? Even though a little birdy told me it is going to bring a family cruise to start it off. I'm ready though for whatever it brings as long as Hubster is home this summer.

I missed a phone call yesterday from Hubster. My phone setting was set on low, and I never heard it ring. He told me that I needed to run by a day spa to pick up my Valentine's Day present. I got there and the lady handed me a gift card for a full spa day. She told me that I could split it up too which is what I will probably do. That way I can use the portion of it for haircut, style, and makeup on a day when I know that Hubster is home. That way we can go on a date. I can't wait for my massage and facial. My shoulder is killing me. I have no idea what is wrong with it, but it hurts to touch it or move it.

Tomorrow is dentist day for the kids. I have to have all 4 of them there at 8 AM. That should be fun. Today has turned out beautiful so far. The kids should enjoy it because the 72 degree day today is going to make way for a 30 degree plus snow day on Tuesday. Don't like the weather just way a minute, it will change.

Mucinex is my friend. It knocked out the sinus stuff in 2 doses. I will now forever swear by the stuff.

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