Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Weeks that Were...

Hubster made it home on Saturday. His class ended Friday at lunch, but he wasn't allowed to leave until Saturday. He was able to get on an earlier flight though. AA had to get permission to let him go standby, but he got on it. When he got home, we went ball gown shopping. That was fun. NOT. I hate shopping for dresses or clothes period. The only good thing that came out of it was that the dress is the exact size that I was wearing 14 years ago, and I never thought I would see the day that I wore that size again. I wasn't expecting to be able to wear a size that small. Yea Me! Hubster picked out the dress because I was having a hard time deciding. He liked this one the best on me, so that is what I got. We are debating on rather or not to spend the night at the hotel that the ball is being held at or not. I want to in a way, but I think that has more to do that I would love an evening away from the kids than anything else. I'm the one that has to deal with them 24/7. I don't want to spend any more money than we already have for this thing. Plus, we found some really cool cabins that I want to stay at in April. I can't do both. I don't have a sitter that will cooperate with that one. :)

We made plans with some friends of ours for a couples night out in April. I'm looking forward to that too. It is sad that we get so busy that we had to plan for a date in April.

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