Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who We Are

We are a family of 6. There is me. I work from home as a travel agent, and my most important job right now is mom. With the Hubster gone, I am also playing Dad.

Then there is the Hubster. He is what is known as a Navy Seabee. They are a different breed. He is a reservists, so in real life he is an actual electrician. His unit was activated once back in 2005 for 10 months to serve a tour in Iraq. They were activated again in June for another tour in the Middle East.

TB is 11 and is the oldest son. He is at that age where sometimes I just want to send him away to military school. He has some learning disabilities, so school is a constant struggle for him. This year though we are excited because his teacher Mrs. N actually asked for him to be in her class. She is all set to think outside the box for him, and to try new and different things to help him learn.

KB is 9 going on 21. He is our second son, and the kid that we thought we were done with. He is going into the 3rd grade this year, and the boy has girlfriends everywhere. He drives me nuts, but I love him. He is my football player. He loves sports. He has a kind heart, and he can't stand to see people hurt. He is the one kid that I worry about the most with Daddy being gone. He is extra quiet, and he will not talk at all about it. He won't even talk to his Daddy on the phone or over the webcam. He says it makes him sad.

KG is my precocious 2 year old girl. She was our redeployment baby. I was never so excited to hear my OB tell me that it is going to be a girl. I actually cried, and she had to call the Hubster and tell him. He wouldn't believe me when I told him. I made her double check and triple check to verify that KG was indeed a girl. She is a princess and diva. She is all girl. KG is my sweetheart. She loves to cuddle and kiss, and she is so funny. What that child comes up with. God blessed me with her to keep me laughing when I am down.

Then finally there is BG. She is my surprise baby. She will be one on Sept. 4. I call her God's sense of humor because I cried when I found out I was pregnant with her. I wouldn't trade her for the world though. She is so different from the other kids. This child is LOUD. She wants you to know that she is here. She is so happy. I couldn't have been blessed with a better last child. She can get into things faster than any kid I have ever seen. She is my child that was sitting by herself at 4 months, crawling at 5 months, and walking at 9 months. She just can't be still. There is to much of the world to explore. She has to go, go, go. Her little snaggle tooth smile lights up her face.

God has blessed me beyond belief with a wonderful family. I just pray that we all survive the next 7 or 8 months in one sane piece.

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